How it works

We believe in transparent pricing that works for any use case. Choose the transcription, voice, and LLM providers you want to use and we bill you directly.

We only charge a small fee of $0.05 per min to cover our infrastructure cost.

Cost Breakdown

Voice Cost

PlayHT: $0.07/min ($4.20/hr)
ElevenLabs: $0.05/min ($3.00/hr)
RimeAI: $0.03/min ($1.80/hr)
Deepgram: $0.05/min ($1.20/hr)
OpenAI: $0.02/min ($1.20/hr)
Azure: $0.02/min ($1.20/hr)

Language Model Cost

OpenAI (GPT-4-Turbo): $0.16/min ($9.8/hr)
OpenAI (GPT-3.5-Turbo): $0.018/min ($1.10/hr)

Transcription Cost

Azure: $0.02/min ($1.2/hr)
Deepgram: $0.01/min ($0.60/hr)

These are cost are only estimations but we will always bill you the exact amount.